sobota, 14 marca 2015

My favourite websites + one online application

Hello :)
Today I'm writing about my favourites websites .
I have very much websites ,but I will present only a steam websites.
Start !

1. Facebook.
Iam looking every day to facebook . On it I chating with friends , I add photos me and my friends , I am writing post to my websites on facebook . I have website on facebook about Hunger Games ( my favourite trilogy) .
On I answer the questions ( they are strange somtimes :P)
I very like answer to clever questions .

3. Zerochan

On Zerocham I'm finding intresting and most beautiful arts ( anime , manga )
I always download arts or photos and add to wallpapers .
One model of wallpaper ( Ciel and Sebastian )
Anime : Kuroshitsuji 
On Instagram I adding photos and edit in special programme .
I looking to photos my friend and asses.
5. Tumbrl
On Tumbrl( similary as Zerochan) I finding beautiful photos and inspirations .I very like pink photos , animals , jewellery ,clothes, patterns .

 And my favourite online application :

6. Snapchat - it is photo messaging application .Using the application, users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings, and send them to a controlled list of recipients. These sent photographs and videos are known as "Snaps"

poniedziałek, 2 marca 2015

A Very Clever Creatures

Dearest Readers :)

Today I'm writing to we about dolphins .
Bottle - nosed dolphins are a very clever species of animal . They communicate a variety of sounds , Compared to human they have double the brain power . They also NEVER SLEEP !
 It is very strange .

Even though dolphins have 100 teeth, they don’t use them for eating. They do use them to get the fish though and then they swallow them. They can consume up to 30 pounds fish per day. They usually work as a team in their pod to get the school of fish surrounded and balled up. From there, they can plow through the middle and eat plenty as they do so.

Facts : 

* Dolphins don’t smell very well.
 * Young dolphins will remain with their mother for a period of 2 or 3 years.
* There are two stomachs for dolphins just like for cows. 
* The first one stores the food for them and the second one is where digestion takes place.
*A dolphin may be able to dive up to 1,000 feet.

Dolphins are very friendly <3 

wtorek, 24 lutego 2015


This post is about dogs <3


Dogs is most lovely and beautiful animals .A young dog has only 28 milk teeth. A puppy begins to see when it is between 2 to 3 weeks old.

  • The Irish Wolfhound is the largest dog breed.
  • The Great Dane is the tallest dog.
  • The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed.
  • A puppy will sleep for 14 hours every day .
  • A puppys adult teeth start to come through between 4 and 8 months when it starts to chew everything!.
The top 5 favourite types of dogs in the USA :


More than five million puppies are born every year in the United States !!



Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.”  

wtorek, 17 lutego 2015


Hello :)

Today I'm writing about TIGERS <3 

Tigers is a most beautiful and dangerous animals . It is the largest member of the cat family, the Felidae. Tigers lives in Asia, mainly India, China and Siberia.

  • I love tigers . I reading about tigers in magazine and web .
  • I always watch films about tigers , their live and hunt.

  • Tiger like eat :

Tigers eat a variety of prey ranging in size from termites to elephant calves. However, an integral component of their diet are large-bodied prey weighing about 20 kg (45 lb) or larger such as moose, deer species, pigs, cows, horses, buffalos and goats. Occasionally they may consume tapirs, elephant and rhinoceros calves, bear species, leopards and Asiatic wild dogs.


White tiger :

Curiosity :

In some regions of India, tigers are considered sacred animals.

 Eradicated in many regions and in danger of extinction, has been subject protection programs.

 Excellent jumps, flies very well, usually hunt alone. 

poniedziałek, 16 lutego 2015

Winter Holidays / Zimowe Ferie

Hello :)

About me :

* My name is Alicja and I live in Gorzów Wielkopolski.

* I like reading books. My favourite book is Hunger Games Suzanne Collins .

* I love drawing, roller skating , watching anime and films .

* I love wild cats ( lions , tigers , white tigers , cheetahs) 


I am watching Banshee with Hania and I think she is the most popular, clever and beautiful youtuber . She is very positive and happy every time .

She is talking  about interesting things , life with her puppy and fans .But even in her wildest dreams , Banshee could never have imagined how far her reputation would reach . She has a lot of fans . Fans love her <3 

At the moment I am happy, because I  have free time ( winter holidays).I started holidays at friday and I can bassicaly look everywhere I want , see every movie , anime I've always wanted to see.

Banshee :

See you soon !
